Politicians are making decisions that affect your business. REGISTER TO VOTE! It's the best thing you can do for your business!!
Make sure that your Realtor® voice is heard before decisions are made in Washington and in North Carolina. OCHAR encourages all members to register to vote! Registering to vote is easy! Get your local resources by clicking below.
When Realtors® vote, our elected leaders notice!!
ONLINE REGISTRATION: You can register online using the myNCDMV PayIt app. There is no fee to apply for voter registration. Note: Select "Continue as a guest" to bypass creating an account. Download the app here.
MAIL-IN REGISTRATION: You can also register to vote using fillable PDF that can be printed and mailed. Access the form here.
CHECK YOUR VOTER REGISTRATION STATUS: Make sure you are registered to vote: Click here to check your status.
CHATHAM COUNTY: Additional voting resources can be found here.
ORANGE COUNTY: Additional voting resources can be found here.
Share these graphics on your social networking channels! Simply right click on an image, then click SAVE AS and download to your desktop. Post the image to your social network, add content and copy/paste the following link in your content to direct your readers to the NC State Board of Elections website.
Following is great content you can use to share with your clients and customers via email or in your digital newsletter! Simply copy, paste, and customize the content below. Plus, add one of the graphics above to your newsletter along with your content!
Dear [Client's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. As we approach election season, it's essential to remember the power we hold as citizens to shape the future of our communities, our state, and our nation. One of the most impactful ways to do this is by exercising our right to vote.
The upcoming elections provide us with a chance to make our voices heard and influence the decisions that will shape our lives and those of future generations. Your perspective and opinions matter, and voting is the way to turn them into action.
Registering to vote is a simple yet crucial step in participating in our democratic process. If you haven't already registered or need to update your voter information, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Every voice matters, and together, we can create positive change. You can easily check your voting status, register to vote, learn about candidates and more online at the North Carolina State Board of Elections website,
Remember, our collective voice is a force for progress, and by registering to vote, you're contributing to a brighter future for our community and beyond. Let's make sure our voices are heard together!
Thank you for being an engaged and active member of our community.
Best regards,
[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]
Dear [Client's Name],
Voting is the cornerstone of democracy, allowing citizens to shape the future of their communities, our state, and our nation.
On a local level, your vote influences decisions that directly impact your daily life – from schools and public services to zoning and local policies. State-level voting shapes laws and regulations that affect entire regions, from healthcare to transportation. At the national level, your vote helps determine the direction of our country on crucial issues like economy, foreign policy, and social progress.
Every vote counts, and each one contributes to the collective voice that drives positive change. So, whether it's a local, state, or national election, remember that by voting, you're making your voice heard and playing a vital role in shaping the future you want to see.
The North Carolina State Board of Elections website is a great online resource if you need to find your voting status, your polling location, find out about early and mail-in voting, and learn about the candidates. Be sure to visit their website at to learn more.
Thank you for being an engaged and active member of our community.
Best regards,
[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]